* pre: none
* post: returns a String with base10Num in base 2
public static String toBinary(int base10Num){
boolean isNeg = base10Num < 0;
base10Num = Math.abs(base10Num);
String result = "";

while(base10Num > 1){
result = (base10Num % 2) + result;
base10Num /= 2;
assert base10Num == 0 || base10Num == 1 : "value is not <= 1: " + base10Num;

result = base10Num + result;
assert all0sAnd1s(result);

if( isNeg )
result = "-" + result;
return result;



_________________________ ENTER

you do not know how to code?
but code is power?
they are learning how to code and you are not
you will notice that they look like each other
confident, not very queer, very white
man, they're coding power! as we sit.

in the less mainstream
Let's LEARN how to CODE
scroll DOWN & to the SIDE
in the mainstream
with LIANE founder of
Tech Witches

a techno-feminist collective aiming

to empower women & marginalized people

through code workshops
interview and interactive zine
by ZOE
Code or Magic?